If you are wanting to manage your own funds, you have already noticed the HUNDREDS of OFFERS to provide you with some kind of "inside track" that will produce millions for you, and all for only $250 a month. Admittedly, some of these "Research Shops" are legitimate stock analysts and worth every penny, but what if you could get access to Market Reports and Research for FREE?
Well, that is what this website is all about. The objective is to help the AVERAGE JOE make money. This site is filled with FREEBIES to reduce your costs, so read this blog carefully.
Hussman Funds
When you arrive to the website, select in the left hand column, RESEARCH AND INSIGHT. You will have access to their market research. http://hussmanfunds.com/researchInsight.html To dig down to the weekly report, select in the left hand column, WEEKLY MARKET COMMENT or select the link here: http://hussmanfunds.com/weeklyMarketComment.html
Guardian / Re-ality Advisors
If you want the pay version, you can get the most recent information. Since we are not interested in TIMING THE MARKET, Guardian gives us enough information to see the current trend. The Reality Shares Guardian Indicator is a proprietary market-strength indicator designed to enhance risk-adjusted investment returns by identifying long-term directional changes in the stock market. Its predictive algorithm applies a unique combination of momentum and volatility gauges to the sectors of the S&P 500 to forecast long-term market downturns and help investors protect their portfolios. See the following link: http://www.realitysharesadvisors.com/guardian/
Economic Cycle Research Institute
There is enough information at ECRI to get a feel of the true market cycle. You may not like seeing the research at this website, but it does accurately reflect current market conditions. http://www.businesscycle.com
Hoisington Management
When you arrive to the website, select in the left hand column, ECONOMIC OVERVIEW. Hoisington, with 4 Billion under management, provide a quarterly overview. This is insightful to someone wanting to invest into stocks. http://www.hoisingtonmgt.com/hoisington_economic_overview.html
Reading this research is one of the FIRST THINGS I DO before ever making a trade. It will save you thousands of dollars to know that a battery of analysts are seeing the economy slipping into the abyss. This research will also make you thousands of dollars when the research points to a possible UP-TURN in the stock market.
I have said that investing is more about MONEY MANAGEMENT, than a flashy day-trader making the big daily trade and driving into the sunset in his Aston. Successful investing requires one who understands the general market, its present trend, and market cycles that can change the trend.
What you need is more than a HUNCH. That is where research comes to bear on your trading. Jesse Livermore, one of the greatest traders of his time, gained millions and lost millions. His moxy proved to be both an asset and a deficit. A group of day traders were asked how much they expected to get from trading stocks, their reply was 30 to 40%. It would be nice if one could consistently get 30 to 40% from trading stocks, but RESEARCH brings us back to reality, telling us that 10 to 12% might be more realistic and even less under certain market environments.
You will NOT be able to finess and smooz your way through a difficult market. Inspite of varied trading techniques, in a down trend, you are most likely to continue to LOSE MONEY. This is why many people have chosen to move out of their MUTUAL FUNDS, because the long-term trend has been down. Along with the Mutual Funds has been a glut of ETFs that have closed for the same reason. LISTEN TO THE RESEARCH and GET OUT of the market before it collapses.
Investment Company Institute (ICI)
When you arrive to the website, select in the left hand column, RESEARCH and STATISTICS. Then select the tap in the middle of the page called, STATISTICS. You will see a list of reports showing the inflows or outflows of money into MUTUAL FUNDS. This reflects whether the market is moving toward an UPTREND or toward a DOWNTREND. http://www.ici.org/research#statistics
If people are GETTING OUT, it is usually because the market has already tanked and people are fearful of staying with mutual funds. If people are GETTING IN, it is usually because the market has already been in an uptrend for a while and people are fearing that they are missing out on a market rally. It is important that you understand that these reports are good indicators of the VELOCITY of the market's movement. There is some skill in reading ICI's reports in that, many people may be trying to fund their IRAs a the end of the year. So, you will see an increase in the flow of money into mutual funds that is not indicative of a real market rally. What you need to look for is a TREND. So if money continues to flow into Mutual Funds, you might consider that a positive sign of an UPTREND and a possible MARKET RALLY.
(Note: the above information is for entertainment purposes only and not to be used as investment advice.)
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